Joan and Brian Peacock share their journey on the subject of mental illness from a firsthand perspective. They know what it is like to have someone in the hospital for a mental illness and have their pastor and church completely ignore them.
Brian is a former pastor and is compassionate and well-versed in scriptural teaching, speaking in seminars, facilitating small groups and Pulpit supply. Together they have a combined Ministry of 45 years in His service.

Joan uses her experience to show Care Partners how to care for themselves and not become a secondary victim; teaches about warning signs of burnout and how to utilize service providers; provides information and education about mental illness, recovery, and support services to those with mental illnesses, their families, and churches.
Joan is available to speak at your Retreat, Conference, Workshop, Seminar, and Women's Meeting. She challenges and encourages Christians toward a deeper and more personal walk with God through Strategies for Powerful Living: To Seek, To Find, To Know - Christ.
- Basic Christian Doctrine
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The Benefits of Journaling
- Kintsugi - the Art of Precious Scars
- Names of God
- Philippians
- Seven Churches in Revelation
- Studying the Bible
- Women as God Sees Them
Joan is always willing to take on new subjects, so don't hesitate to contact her about other topics not listed above!
Hear one of our teachings below:
Sound Minds
We provide information and education about mental illness, recovery, and support services to those with lived experiences, their families and our churches.
- Understanding Mental Illnesses
- Learning how to be a Care Partner
- What Communities of Faith can do to help